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Room to Grow Podcast with Emily Gough

Aug 15, 2019

**If you haven't yet listened to episode #117 - The 9 Year Affair: Lessons in Infidelity, I strongly recommend checking it out first as a prerequisite for this episode**

After uncovering the infidelity that had been going on in my previous long-term relationship for 9 years and realizing the degree to which I had been tracked online by one of the involved parties, I began to re-evaluate my entire relationship with the online space.  

This episode goes into some of the mental health issues I dealt with as a direct result of being so closely followed online to such intense scrutiny and how I shifted from complete fear of the online space and avoiding it all together, to coming back online with a healthier relationship with how I show up and what I share of my personal life.  

The reality is that we never know who's watching, or the intentions of the people watching us on the internet, and I'm offering you some basic strategies that you can implement into how you use social media on both a personal and professional level. 

This isn't about being paranoid - it's simply about building awareness.

Social media is a huge gift, an incredible tool for connection, and has so many amazing benefits, but that doesn't mean we can ignore some of the safety issues that can come with it.


Want to join the conversation or connect with Emily?  Connect below! 


Emily Gough Coaching

Room to Grow Podcast

Instagram @emilygoughcoach

Facebook: @ Emily Gough Coaching


PLUS!  Want to be a badass podcast guest?  You’re going to want to grab this highly requested guide walking you through every step of the way to have your interviewers begging you to come back on, and the listeners wanting to learn everything they can from you!  Grab your guide HERE.



Questions?  Comments? Want to connect and chat? You can email me at, or DM me over on Instagram @emilygoughcoach with any questions, comments, or takeaways!  Plus, I would absolutely love to connect with you and thank you for listening in real life.  It makes me day to see you listening to the podcast and fills me up with pure joy. Seriously.  See you on the ‘gram!

Questions?  Comments?  If Instagram and Facebook aren’t your jam, send me a good old fashioned email!