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Room to Grow Podcast with Emily Gough

Jul 16, 2019

We know that "perfect" doesn't exist, even though my perfectionist brain likes to try and tell me otherwise.  And yet, we let the idea of achieving perfect hold us back ALL THE TIME....I know I'm not the only one over here!

But sometimes, it feels easier to get stuck in our own heads rather than actually completing a project.  Because finishing something means that you're going to have to open yourself up, show yourself and everyone else your true capabilities, and to put in the work to complete it.  And it means it's not going to be perfect, but that's ok.  

Think of it this way: you can always add on later, change it, shift it.  Whatever it is you're working on, how you do something today doesn't have to be permanent.  

Listen, it’s AWESOME to continue to always strive for more.

It’s paralyzing, however, to get stuck in the “more” and never make it to completion.

Done isn’t always pretty.  Done is messy and full of imperfection but it’s still done, which is more than what you can say if you’re stuck in the starting phase, or worse, “try.”

Today's episode is a reminder to pull yourself out of your perfectionism that is holding you back from those big goals, and to simply finish something.  To take one small thing off of that to-do list so that you can say it's done, and it will give you the confidence to continue to build on that, and then add the next thing, and the next.  

Done is the building block to better. 

So what are you going to go and finish today? 

Reach out to me on Instagram @emilygoughcoach and let me know!  I want to cheer you on from the sidelines, and I'm rooting for you over here! 



Emily Gough Coaching

Room to Grow Podcast

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PLUS!  Want to be a badass podcast guest?  You’re going to want to grab this highly requested guide walking you through every step of the way to have your interviewers begging you to come back on, and the listeners wanting to learn everything they can from you!  Grab your guide HERE.



Questions?  Comments? Want to connect and chat? You can email me at, or DM me over on Instagram @emilygoughcoach with any questions, comments, or takeaways!  Plus, I would absolutely love to connect with you and thank you for listening in real life.  It makes me day to see you listening to the podcast and fills me up with pure joy. Seriously.  See you on the ‘gram!

Questions?  Comments?  If Instagram and Facebook aren’t your jam, send me a good old fashioned email!

New episodes every Tuesday and Thursday!